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7 Days Money Back Guarantee included. Try it and if you are not satisfied with the quality of content, I will refund you. No questions asked!

Full Lifetime access +
CRO Audit

I will contact you via email after the purchase

Lifetime access, all updates & new guidelines;

CRO Audit of your e-commerce store with the report containing actionable recommendations;

I will show you the bottlenecks in your conversion funnel;

I will show low hanging fruits to improve; performance of the store as fast as possible;

You will be able to ask any question regarding optimization of your store.

7 Days Money Back Guarantee included

Checklist last update: 24 August 2023

You will be redirected to 2Checkout where you can pay with:
After payment, you will get your login and password to get access to detailed guidelines
Not sure yet? Check a few detailed guidelines to understand what to expect from the membership

One example per page type to understand how much VALUE you can get. Pay attention to the amount of content in each guideline, the number of bad and good examples and the results of experiments.

I spent months on creation and structuring these guidelines, so you will not have to waste your time & efforts on it and can easily apply it on your website

Frequently Asked Questions
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