Reviews of Shopify stores

Review #13: Wedding store - - 3 recommendations

2021-01-24 21:14 Product page
Product page

1. Problem
You are selling visual products where the images are the most important and convincing asset. That's why it's important to motivate users to engage with the image slider and improve its UX. The current image slider doesn't have image thumbnails below the main image that would show all available product images, hence give more clarity to users and motivate them to engage with the slider.

Add a feature that would show image thumbnails below the main image on the image slider instead of dots.

2. Problem
The current image slider doesn't have actionable elements (left / right arrows) that would motivate users to engage with it and see more images. Even though people are used to swiping on Mobile, it's not enough. Based on A/B tests, when you add prominent arrows on the main image, it usually significantly increases engagement with the product images and performance of the website

Add left and right arrows on the main image in the image slider. It should be prominent enough, so users will notice it.


3. Problem:
After staying for some time on the product page, the popup window appeared on the page. That popup has a few problems. The first one is that when I click on the space around it, it's not closing (but it's standard behavior for popups when you click on overlay). Another thing is that the "Close" icon almost invisible, it was so hard to find it in the popup. As a result, I was angry and started to think that if I don't leave an email, I will not be able to proceed. While many visitors don't like to leave emails, it will be so irritating for them, pure friction in the shopping experience

Improve the design of the popup, so it will be easier to close it. Make sure that when users click on the overlay, the popup is closed, as people are used to it on the web

I hope these recommendations will be useful to you. Feel free to ask any questions.

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